Skunk Breeding Season Has Started

Hey Connecticut residents, it’s that time of the year again – skunk breeding season is in full swing! If you’ve noticed increased skunk activity around your property, especially under sheds, decks, or crawlspaces, it’s crucial to take action before things get out of hand.

πŸ” Why Act Now? Male skunks are on the move, covering significant distances to find mates, and females are seeking safe spots to give birth and raise their young. The last thing you want is a skunk family making a home in your backyard. Aside from the unmistakable musky scent, skunks can cause property damage and pose a challenge to your household and pets.

🚨 The Solution? RF Wildlife – Your Skunk Removal Experts! 🚨

πŸ‘‰ Call RF Wildlife at 860-510-6313 Or Email

πŸ” Why Choose RF Wildlife?

  1. Expertise: With years of experience, RF Wildlife understands the behavior of skunks during breeding season, ensuring effective and humane removal.
  2. Prompt Response: Don’t let the situation escalate. RF Wildlife responds swiftly to your call, addressing skunk-related issues before they become a nuisance.
  3. Safe and Ethical Practices: Our team employs safe and ethical methods to remove skunks from your property.

πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ What We Offer:

  • Inspection Services: Thorough assessments to identify potential entry points and nesting sites.
  • Humane Removal: Using industry-approved methods to capture skunks safely.
  • Preventive Measures: Implementing strategies to discourage skunks from returning.

🏑 Protect Your Home and Family! Act Today!

Reach out to RF Wildlife at 860-510-6313 to schedule a consultation and skunk removal service tailored to your needs. Don’t let skunk breeding season take a toll on your peace of mind – trust RF Wildlife to handle it with professionalism and care!

🌿🦨 RF Wildlife – Your Trusted Partner in Wildlife Removal 🦨🌿

Connecticut Rabies Vector Species(RVS)

Connecticut Rabies Vector Species: Fox, Raccoon, and Skunk

Rabies is a deadly disease that affects humans and animals alike. In Connecticut, there are three main species that are considered to be the primary vectors for the transmission of rabies: foxes, raccoons, and skunks.

Fox under shed
Fox with mange

Foxes are found throughout Connecticut and are known for their distinctive red fur. They are typically most active during the early morning and late afternoon hours, but can also be seen during the day and at night. Foxes are natural hunters and are known to prey on small animals such as mice, rabbits, and birds. They are also known to scavenge for food and may be attracted to garbage cans and other sources of food in residential areas.

Raccoon Rabies vector
Raccoon fight

Raccoons are another common species found in Connecticut and are easily recognized by their black and white markings and bushy tails. They are known for their adaptability and can thrive in a variety of environments, including urban and suburban areas. Raccoons are omnivores and will eat just about anything they can find, including fruits, vegetables, insects, and small animals. They are also known for their ability to get into garbage cans and other sources of food, which can make them a nuisance to homeowners.

Skunk extermination
Skunk removed from Westbrook CT

Skunks are perhaps best known for their distinctive odor, which they use as a defense mechanism when threatened. They are typically found in wooded areas and fields, but can also be found in residential areas. Skunks are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including insects, small animals, and plants. Like raccoons, they are also attracted to garbage cans and other sources of food.

All three of these species are considered to be primary vectors for the transmission of rabies in Connecticut. Rabies is a viral disease that affects the nervous system and can be transmitted to humans through the saliva of an infected animal. The disease can be fatal if left untreated, which is why it is so important to take precautions when dealing with wild animals.

If you encounter a fox, raccoon, or skunk in the wild, it is important to keep your distance and avoid contact with the animal. If you see an animal that appears to be sick or behaving abnormally, you should report it to your local animal control agency. It is also important to keep your pets up-to-date on their rabies vaccinations and to avoid feeding or handling wild animals.

In conclusion, foxes, raccoons, and skunks are common species found in Connecticut and are all considered to be primary vectors for the transmission of rabies. It is important to take precautions when dealing with these animals in order to prevent the spread of this deadly disease. By being aware of the risks and taking appropriate action, we can help protect ourselves and our pets from this serious health threat.

Humane Fox Removal for Sheds and Crawlspaces

Foxes are a common sight in many areas of Connecticut, but they can also be a nuisance for homeowners when they decide to take up residence under sheds and crawlspaces. While it’s important to take measures to protect your property from damage, it’s equally important to ensure that any foxes are removed humanely. In this article, we’ll explore two humane methods for fox removal from under sheds and crawlspaces: one-way doors and exclusion.

Why It’s Important to Remove Foxes Humanely?

It can be tempting to resort to extreme measures to get rid of a fox that has taken up residence under your shed or crawlspace, such as trapping or shooting. However, it’s important to remember that foxes are living creatures that play an important role in the ecosystem. Additionally, many jurisdictions have laws in place that protect wildlife, making it illegal to harm or kill foxes without proper permits. Connecticut is one such place.

Furthermore, using inhumane methods to remove foxes from your property can lead to a host of other problems. Shooting a fox, for example, can lead to it dying in an inaccessible area, causing a foul odor and attracting other pests. Trapping a fox and releasing it elsewhere can also be problematic, as it may struggle to find food and shelter in its new environment. It is not legal to relocate a Fox in CT as they are considered a rabis vector species.

For these reasons, it’s important to choose a humane method for fox removal. One-way doors and exclusion are two options that allow the fox to leave the area on its own, without causing harm or stress.

Using One-Way Doors for Fox Removal

One-way doors are a humane and effective way to remove foxes from under sheds and crawlspaces. The basic idea is to install a door that allows the fox to exit the area but doesn’t allow it to re-enter.

To use a one-way door, you’ll need to locate the entrance the fox is using to access the shed or crawlspace. Once you’ve found the entrance, you’ll need to install the one-way door over it. These doors are typically made of mesh or wire, and they’re designed to allow animals to exit but not enter.

It’s important to note that one-way doors only work if there are no other entrances or exits for the fox to use. If there are multiple entrances or exits, the fox may simply move to another area of the shed or crawlspace.

Before installing a one-way door, it’s important to make sure that there are no baby foxes or other animals that may be trapped inside. If you’re unsure, it’s best to contact a wildlife removal professional for assistance. RF Wildlife 860-510-6313

Once the one-way door is installed, it’s important to monitor the area to ensure that the fox has left. This may take several days, depending on the habits of the fox and the availability of food and water outside of the shed or crawlspace.

Using Exclusion for Fox Removal

Exclusion is another humane method for removing foxes from sheds and crawlspaces. This method involves sealing off any entrances or exits that the fox is using to access the area.

To use exclusion, you’ll need to thoroughly inspect the shed or crawlspace to identify any potential entry points. This may include gaps in the foundation or walls, vents, or other openings.

Once you’ve identified the entry points, you’ll need to seal them off using materials such as wire mesh, hardware cloth, or dig defence. It’s important to use materials that are durable and can withstand the weather, as well as any attempts by the fox to chew through them.

Before sealing off the area, it’s important to make sure that there are no animals inside. You can do this by setting up a game camera and monitoring it for a few days.

After the area has been sealed off, it’s important to monitor it to ensure that the fox doesn’t find another way in. You may need to make additional repairs or modifications to ensure that the area remains secure.

Benefits of Humane Fox Removal

There are several benefits to using humane methods for fox removal from under sheds and crawlspaces. First and foremost, it allows the fox to leave on its own terms, without causing harm or stress. This is important not only from an ethical standpoint but also from a practical one, as a stressed or injured fox may be more likely to cause damage or become aggressive.

Using humane methods also helps to preserve the balance of the ecosystem. Foxes play an important role in controlling the populations of other animals, such as rodents and insects. Removing them in an inhumane manner can lead to imbalances in the ecosystem, which can have far-reaching consequences.

Additionally, using humane methods for fox removal can help to prevent legal issues. Many jurisdictions have laws in place that protect wildlife, and using inhumane methods to remove foxes can result in fines or other legal consequences.


If you have a fox that has taken up residence under your shed or crawlspace, it’s important to take measures to remove it in a humane manner. One-way doors and exclusion are two effective and humane methods for fox removal that allow the fox to leave on its own terms, without causing harm or stress.

It’s important to remember that foxes are living creatures that play an important role in the ecosystem, and it’s our responsibility to treat them with respect and kindness. By using humane methods for fox removal, we can help to preserve the balance of the ecosystem and prevent legal issues, while also ensuring the safety and well-being of the fox.

The Costs of Ignoring a Squirrel Infestation: How to Protect Your Property

Squirrels are cute animals to observe, but they can also cause serious damage to your home or business if they take up residence on your property. Squirrel pest control can save you from costly repairs. From creating noise and odors to chewing through electrical wires, squirrels can create a lot of problems for homeowners. If left unchecked, a squirrel infestation can result in expensive repair bills and other costs. Squirrel extermination may be the answer.

Here are some of the potential costs you may face if you ignore a squirrel infestation:

  • Property damage: Squirrels can cause significant damage to your property, such as chewing through insulation, electrical wires, and even the structure of your home or business. They can also create entry points in your roof, soffits, and walls, which can lead to water damage and mold.
  • Fire hazard: Squirrels have been known to chew through electrical wires, which can create a fire hazard. If left unchecked, a squirrel infestation can pose a serious threat to your home or business and put your family or employees in danger.
  • Health risks: Squirrels can carry diseases like Hantavirus and salmonella, which can put your family or employees at risk of infection. Their droppings and urine can also create health hazards, as they can harbor harmful bacteria and fungi.
  • Pest infestations: Squirrel infestations can attract other pests like fleas, ticks, and mites, which can create a secondary infestation and cause further damage to your property.

To avoid the potential costs of ignoring a squirrel infestation, it’s important to take action and get rid of squirrels as soon as possible. Hiring a squirrel exterminator service is the best way to ensure safe and effective removal of squirrels from your property. At RF Wildlife, we specialize in humane squirrel removal and pest control.

If you suspect a squirrel infestation in your home or business, don’t hesitate to contact us for professional squirrel removal services. Taking action early can save you from costly repairs and other expenses.

Preventing a squirrel infestation is also crucial in avoiding damage to your property. Here are some tips to help prevent squirrels from taking up residence on your property:

  • Seal entry points: Squirrels can enter your home or business through small holes and gaps in your roof, walls, and foundation. It’s important to seal any entry points to prevent squirrels from getting in.
  • Trim trees and branches: Squirrels can use trees and branches to gain access to your roof and attic. Trimming trees and branches away from your home or business can help prevent squirrels from using them as a pathway.
  • Store food properly: Squirrels are attracted to food sources like birdseed, nuts, and other plant material. Storing these items in airtight containers can prevent squirrels from being attracted to them.
  • Install mesh screens: Mesh screens can be installed over vents and other entry points to prevent squirrels from entering your home or business.

By following these tips, you can avoid the costs associated with squirrel damage to your property and the potential risks to your health and safety. Don’t let a squirrel infestation cost you more than just the removal fees – take action today to protect your property. Contact RF Wildlife for reliable and professional squirrel removal and pest control services.

Here are some fun facts about squirrels in CT:

  1. Connecticut is home to three squirrel species: Gray squirrels, Red squirrels, and Flying squirrels.
  2. The Gray squirrel is the largest of the three species, and they are known for their destructive chewing habits.
  3. Red squirrels are smaller than Gray squirrels, but they have a feisty attitude and can chase other squirrels away.
  4. Flying squirrels are nocturnal and can glide through the air using a flap of skin between their legs called a patagium.
  5. Squirrels have sharp teeth that never stop growing, which is why they need to chew constantly to wear them down.
  6. Squirrels have excellent vision and can see colors in the ultraviolet range, which allows them to locate food and identify predators.
  7. Squirrels are known for their acrobatic skills and can run along power lines and climb trees with ease.
  8. Squirrels are important members of the ecosystem, as they help disperse seeds and nuts, which contributes to the growth of new plants and trees.
  9. Squirrels can remember the location of thousands of buried nuts and seeds, which helps them survive during the winter months when food is scarce.
  10. Squirrels are intelligent animals that have adapted to living in a wide range of environments, from urban parks to rural forests.

5 Common Myths About Wildlife Control Debunked

As Connecticut homeowners, we all want to ensure the safety and security of our families and property. This often involves dealing with wildlife that may be invading our homes or property. However, there are many misconceptions and myths surrounding wildlife control, which can lead to ineffective or even harmful methods of dealing with wildlife. In this article, we’ll be debunking five common myths about wildlife control, and providing you with the facts you need to make informed decisions.

Myth #1: You can trap and relocate wildlife anywhere you want.

One of the most common myths about wildlife control is that you can simply trap and relocate wildlife anywhere you want. While it may seem like a humane and easy solution, it’s actually illegal in many cases. Connecticut has strict laws and regulations regrding relocation of wildlife, it is illegal to trap and relocate rabies vector species RVS such as raccoons, skunks, and fox.

For example, in Connecticut, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) frowns on relocating all wildlife. This is because relocating wildlife can cause a number of problems. For one, the relocated animals may not survive in their new environment, as they may not be able to find food, water, or shelter. Additionally, they may spread disease to other animals in the area or become a nuisance to nearby residents. Mother nature keeps a balance and relocating new animals into an area puts undue pressure on the wildlife naturally in that area.

Instead of trapping and relocating wildlife, it’s sometimes more effective to use exclusion methods to prevent them from entering your home or property in the first place. This may involve sealing up any gaps or holes in your home’s foundation, installing chimney caps and vent screens, and keeping your property clean and free of food and water sources that may attract wildlife.

Myth #2: Poison is an effective way to deal with wildlife.

Another common myth about wildlife control is that poison is an effective way to deal with unwanted wildlife. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Not only is using poison illegal in many cases, it’s also dangerous to both the animals you’re trying to control and to other animals and humans who may come into contact with the poison.

Poisoning wildlife can also lead to secondary poisoning, where other animals that eat the poisoned animal may also become sick or die. Additionally, using poison can lead to a buildup of resistance among wildlife populations, making it even more difficult to control them in the future.

Instead of using poison, it’s best to use humane and effective methods of wildlife control. This may include using exclusion methods to prevent wildlife from entering your home or property, using live traps to capture wildlife, or using repellents to deter wildlife from your property.

Myth #3: Repellents and scare tactics are always effective.

Many homeowners turn to repellents and scare tactics as a way to keep wildlife away from their property. While some repellents and scare tactics can be effective, they’re not always the best solution. In fact, many wildlife species can become accustomed to these methods over time, rendering them ineffective.

For example, using bright lights or loud noises to scare off wildlife may work initially, but the animals will quickly become used to the tactic and continue to return to your property. Similarly, using repellents like mothballs or ammonia may work for a short period of time, but they may also pose a health risk to both wildlife and humans.

Instead of relying solely on repellents and scare tactics, it’s important to use a combination of methods to effectively control wildlife. This may include using exclusion methods to prevent wildlife from entering your property, using live traps to capture wildlife, and modifying your property to make it less attractive to wildlife. This may involve removing food and water sources, trimming back trees and shrubs, and keeping garbage and compost bins tightly sealed.

Myth #4: You don’t need professional help for wildlife control.

Many homeowners believe that they can handle wildlife control on their own, without the help of a professional. While it’s true that there are some DIY methods of wildlife control that can be effective, it’s often best to seek the help of a professional wildlife control company.

Professional wildlife control companies have the knowledge and expertise needed to effectively and humanely deal with wildlife. They can also help you navigate any regulations or laws regarding wildlife control in your area, and can provide you with long-term solutions to prevent future wildlife problems.

Additionally, attempting to handle wildlife control on your own can be dangerous. Many wildlife species can be aggressive or carry diseases, which can put you and your family at risk. By working with a professional wildlife control company, you can ensure that the problem is handled safely and effectively.

Myth #5: Wildlife will always find their way back into your home or property.

Finally, many homeowners believe that once they’ve had a wildlife problem, the animals will always find their way back into their home or property. While it’s true that some wildlife species may be persistent, especially bats and flying squirrels it’s possible to prevent them from returning by making modifications to your property.

For example, if you’ve had a problem with raccoons entering your attic, you can install mesh screens over your vents to prevent them from getting in. Similarly, if you’ve had a problem with skunks digging up your lawn, you can install a barrier around the perimeter of your property to prevent them from entering.

Additionally, keeping your property clean and free of food and water sources can also help to prevent future wildlife problems. This may involve storing garbage and compost bins securely, keeping bird feeders clean, and removing any fallen fruit from trees.

Wildlife removal Service

In conclusion, it’s important to separate fact from fiction when it comes to wildlife control. By debunking these common myths, we hope to provide homeowners with the information they need to effectively and humanely deal with wildlife. Remember, it’s often best to seek the help of a professional wildlife control service, and to use a combination of methods to prevent future wildlife problems. With the right knowledge and tools, you can ensure the safety and security of your family and property, while also protecting the wildlife in your area.

Woodchucks are out In Connecticut Spring 2023

Woodchuck removal< Woodchuck trapping Service in CT

Woodchuck in Guilford CT peeking out of hole

Spring is a time of renewal, as the world wakes up from its winter slumber and new life bursts forth from the soil. However, for homeowners in Connecticut, springtime also means dealing with the unwelcome presence of woodchucks. These furry critters can cause significant damage to gardens and landscaping, making it essential to take steps to remove them.

Woodchuck Trapping CT

One effective solution for dealing with woodchucks is to enlist the help of a woodchuck removal and trapping service. RF Wildlife professionals specialize in safely and humanely removing woodchucks from your property, preventing them from causing further damage.

When choosing a woodchuck removal service, it is essential to look for a company with a proven track record of success. Ideally, you want to work with a company that has experience dealing with woodchucks specifically, as this will ensure that they understand the unique challenges of removing these animals.

One of the most effective methods of woodchuck removal is trapping. This involves setting traps in strategic locations around your property, baiting them with food that woodchucks find appealing, and waiting for the woodchucks to enter the trap. Once caught, the woodchucks are safely and humanely removed from your property, minimizing the risk of harm to both the animals and your property.

When choosing a woodchuck trapping service, it is essential to work with a company that uses humane trapping methods. This means avoiding traps that cause unnecessary harm to the animals, such as those that use poisons or other harmful substances. Instead, look for a company that uses live traps, which allow woodchucks to be safely captured and relocated to a more suitable location.

In addition to trapping, there are other steps you can take to discourage woodchucks from making your property their home. For example, removing sources of food and shelter can make your property less attractive to woodchucks, reducing the likelihood that they will take up residence there.

If you have a garden, consider using fencing or other barriers to prevent woodchucks from accessing your plants. Additionally, removing brush and other debris from your property can make it less appealing to woodchucks, as they prefer areas with plenty of cover.

Ultimately, if you are dealing with woodchucks in Connecticut, it is essential to take action quickly to prevent further damage to your property. By enlisting the help of a woodchuck removal and trapping service, you can safely and humanely remove these animals from your property, restoring your peace of mind and protecting your landscaping and garden from further harm. Give us a call for woodchuck trapping and removal services 860-510-6313

Woodchucks looking for a Den to raise Young

Woodchucks, also known as groundhogs, are a common sight in Connecticut during the warmer months of the year. These furry critters are known for their burrowing habits and their love of gardens and other vegetation, but they also play an important role in the ecosystem. As spring approaches, female woodchucks begin to prepare for the arrival of their offspring, making it a critical time for woodchuck control and management. Woodchuck trapping and removal is easiest before the offspring are born.

In Connecticut, woodchucks typically give birth in April or May. Female woodchucks become pregnant in late winter and early spring, with gestation lasting around 32 days. During this time, the female will prepare a den in which to give birth and raise her young. This den is typically located underground, in a burrow that the woodchuck has dug herself.

Once the young are born, the female woodchuck will care for them for several weeks, providing them with milk and protection until they are able to leave the den and forage for food on their own. It is during this time that woodchucks can become particularly aggressive if they feel their young are threatened, making it essential to exercise caution when dealing with woodchucks during this time.

For homeowners and property managers in Connecticut, the arrival of woodchuck babies can be a cause for concern. Woodchucks are notorious for their love of gardens and other vegetation, and they can quickly decimate a crop if left unchecked. Additionally, their burrowing habits can cause damage to lawns and landscaping, making it important to take steps to manage woodchuck populations.

One effective method of woodchuck control is to enlist the help of a professional pest management service. These professionals have experience dealing with woodchucks and can provide a range of services, including trapping and removal, exclusion techniques, and habitat modification.

When choosing a pest management service, it is important to look for a company that uses humane and environmentally friendly methods. This means avoiding traps that cause unnecessary harm to the animals, as well as using non-toxic and non-lethal deterrents to discourage woodchucks from taking up residence on your property.

By taking proactive steps to manage woodchuck populations in Connecticut, homeowners and property managers can protect their gardens and landscaping from damage, while also preserving the important role that these animals play in the ecosystem. Whether you are dealing with woodchucks looking to give birth, or simply want to prevent these animals from taking up residence on your property, there are a range of effective and humane strategies available for woodchuck control.

Raccoons under shed or in crawlspace

If you have raccoons under your shed, it’s important to handle the situation carefully, as raccoons can be dangerous and carry diseases. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Determine if there are babies present: Raccoons may use your shed as a denning site to raise their young, so it’s important to determine if there are any babies present. If there are babies, it’s best to wait until they are old enough to go outside on their own before attempting to remove the mother and the babies.
  2. Make the area unattractive to raccoons: Remove any food sources around the shed that may be attracting the raccoons, such as garbage or pet food. Additionally, make sure the area around the shed is well-lit and free of debris, as raccoons prefer dark and cluttered areas for denning.
  3. Install a barrier: Use a barrier, such as hardware cloth, to prevent the raccoons from getting under the shed. Dig a trench around the perimeter of the shed and bury the hardware cloth at least 6 inches deep and extending at least 2 feet outward from the shed.
  4. Use humane eviction techniques: To remove the raccoons from under the shed, use humane eviction techniques such as placing a one-way exclusion device over the entry point. This will allow the raccoons to leave but prevent them from returning.
  5. Seal off entry points: Once the raccoons have left, seal off all potential entry points to prevent them from returning. Use hardware cloth or other sturdy materials to cover any holes or gaps around the shed.

It’s important to remember that raccoons can be dangerous and carry diseases, and parasites, it’s best to call a professional wildlife removal service.

Raccoon eviction of Female with Young

Raccoon removal CT
Baby Racoon stuck in a trashcan at a marina in Branford CT

When faced with a raccoon infestation, especially a female with kits, it’s important to handle the situation with care and sensitivity. One method that has been used to safely and effectively evict raccoons from a property is the use of male raccoon scent.

Male raccoon scent is a natural deterrent that can signal to a female raccoon and her kits that a dominant male has taken over the territory. This can cause the female to move her kits to a new location in search of safety and shelter.

To use male raccoon scent, simply soak a rag or cloth in the scent and place it near the entry point or in the area where the raccoons are nesting.

It’s important to note that this method should only be used if the female raccoon and her kits are healthy and not showing any signs of illness or injury. If you suspect that the raccoons may be sick or injured, it’s best to contact a professional wildlife removal service to handle the situation.

In addition to using male raccoon scent, it’s important to take steps to prevent future infestations. This may include securing garbage cans and food storage areas, sealing off potential entry points, and using natural deterrents like motion-activated lights or sprinklers to discourage raccoons from returning.

Overall, the use of male raccoon scent can be an effective and humane way to safely evict a female raccoon and her kits from your property. However, it’s important to handle the situation with care and sensitivity, and to take steps to prevent future infestations from occurring.

Female Raccoon and kits found in a CT HVAC system in Madison CT

Female Raccoons can be aggressive guarding Young.

It is true that raccoons in Connecticut can become aggressive when they feel threatened or are guarding their babies. Female raccoons are known to be fiercely protective of their young and may attack humans or other animals if they perceive them as a threat.

It’s important to keep a safe distance from raccoons, especially if you suspect that they may be guarding their babies. Never attempt to approach or touch a raccoon, and keep children and pets away from these animals as well.

If you have a raccoon infestation on your property and suspect that there may be babies involved, it’s best to contact a professional wildlife removal service. Our experts have the knowledge and tools necessary to safely and humanely remove raccoons from your property in Connecticut, while also ensuring that the babies are relocated to a suitable environment where they can thrive.

It’s also important to take steps to prevent future infestations from occurring. This may include securing garbage cans and food storage areas, sealing off potential entry points, and using natural deterrents like motion-activated lights or sprinklers to discourage raccoons from returning.

Overall, while raccoons can be cute and interesting to observe from a distance, it’s important to remember that they are wild animals and should be treated with caution and respect, especially when babies are involved.

Raccoons in chimney Removal Help

If you have raccoons in your chimney, it’s important to handle the situation carefully, as raccoons can be dangerous and carry diseases. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Assess the situation: Determine whether there are baby raccoons present. If there are babies, you can wait until they are old enough to leave the chimney on their own, which usually happens around 8-10 weeks of age. Otherwise Trapping and hand removal may be necessary.
  2. If early enough we can Use humane eviction techniques: To remove the raccoons from your chimney, you can use humane eviction techniques such as eviction fluid or paste.
  3. Seal off the chimney: Once the raccoons have left, seal off the chimney to prevent them from re-entering. Use heavy-gauge wire mesh to cover the chimney cap, and make sure there are no gaps or holes.
  4. Clean up the mess: Raccoons can leave a mess behind in the chimney, including droppings, urine, and debris. Wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself, and use a chimney sweep or professional cleaning service to clean the chimney thoroughly.
  5. Prevent future infestations: To prevent future infestations, make sure your chimney cap is secure and in good condition, and trim back any tree branches or foliage that could provide access to the chimney.

It’s important to remember that raccoons can be dangerous and carry diseases, it’s best to call a professional wildlife removal service.

raccoon removed from chimney Westbrook CT

Raccoons typically have their babies, called kits, in the late winter or early spring, with the peak of the birthing season occurring in March and April. If raccoons have made a home in your chimney, it’s possible that they have chosen it as a denning site for their kits. If you suspect that there are baby raccoons in your chimney, it’s important to be cautious and to avoid disturbing the den as much as possible, mother raccoons can become aggressive when protecting their young. Call a professional before taking any steps to remove the raccoons from your chimney.

Skunk breeding season CT

Skunks in Connecticut generally breed in the early spring, typically between February and March, although breeding can occur as early as late January or as late as early April. Skunks are polygamous and males may mate with multiple females during the breeding season.

It’s important to note that skunks can be active year-round in Connecticut, but they tend to be less active during the winter months when temperatures are colder. Additionally, skunks may enter a period of dormancy during the winter, known as torpor, where their metabolic rate slows down and they conserve energy.

If you have concerns about skunks on your property, it’s important to take preventative measures to discourage them from denning or foraging in the area. This may include securing garbage cans, sealing off potential entry points to buildings, and eliminating any food sources that may be attracting the skunks. If you have a skunk infestation or if you’re unsure about how to proceed, it’s best to consult with a professional wildlife removal service.

Skunk caught during breeding season

Removing Skunks

If you need to remove skunks from your property in Connecticut after the breeding season has ended, it’s important to take precautions to avoid any conflicts or issues. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Determine if there are babies present: Skunks may have babies, called kits, in the spring and early summer, so it’s important to determine if there are any babies present before removing the adults. If there are babies, wait until they are old enough to explore outside on their own, which usually happens around 8-10 weeks of age, before attempting to remove the adults.
  2. Use humane removal techniques: To remove the skunks, use humane removal techniques such as live trapping. Make sure to check the traps daily, it is illegal to relocate skunks in CT.
  3. Seal off entry points: Once the skunks have been removed, seal off any potential entry points to prevent them from returning. Use hardware cloth or other sturdy materials to cover any holes or gaps in the foundation, walls, or roof.
  4. Take preventative measures: Take preventative measures to discourage skunks from returning, such as securing garbage cans, eliminating any food sources, and keeping the area well-lit and free of debris.

It’s important to remember that skunks can be dangerous and carry diseases, so if you’re not comfortable handling the situation yourself, it’s best to call a professional wildlife removal service. Additionally, be aware that skunks may spray when threatened, so it’s important to approach them carefully and avoid startling or cornering them.

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