Fox Removal, Fox Exclusion

Fox Removal CT


Are you facing problems with unwanted fox visitors on your property? At RF Wildlife, we specialize in providing expert fox removal, fox hazing, and fox exclusion services across Connecticut. Our trained and experienced team is equipped with the knowledge and tools to effectively solve your fox-related issues while adhering to Connecticut’s wildlife regulations.

Foxes are known for their adaptability and intelligence, but they can become a nuisance when they venture too close to residential areas or commercial properties. They can cause damage to gardens, lawns, and structures, as well as pose a threat to small pets and livestock. That’s where our team at RF Wildlife steps in to provide the most efficient fox removal solutions in Connecticut. Fox tend to take over woodchuck dens that have been well established from years of groundhog digging.

Our comprehensive fox removal services include:

Fox Hazing

Fox Hazing: Humane, Non-Lethal Deterrent Methods for Effective Fox Control

At RF Wildlife, we are committed to using humane and non-lethal methods for fox control, and fox hazing is a crucial part of our approach. Our team of trained professionals employs a combination of visual, auditory, and olfactory deterrents to discourage foxes from returning to your property, ensuring a safe and effective solution for both the residents and the foxes.

Visual Deterrents: Our team strategically places visual deterrents around your property to make foxes feel unwelcome and threatened. These deterrents may include motion-activated lights, reflective tape, and predator decoys, all designed to create an uncomfortable environment for the foxes, encouraging them to find a more suitable habitat elsewhere.

Auditory Deterrents: Auditory deterrents play an essential role in keeping foxes at bay. By using devices that emit predator distress calls, or other loud and startling noises, we create an environment that foxes perceive as unsafe. These devices can be set up to activate automatically when motion is detected, ensuring that foxes associate their presence on your property with an unpleasant experience, which discourages them from returning.

Olfactory Deterrents: Foxes have a keen sense of smell, and we take advantage of this by using olfactory deterrents to repel them from your property. Our team employs natural, non-toxic substances that mimic the scent of fox predators, such as coyotes or larger canines, making the area seem dangerous to the foxes. Additionally, further deterring foxes from entering or remaining on your property.

At RF Wildlife, we understand the importance of maintaining a balance between protecting your property and preserving the welfare of Connecticut’s wildlife. Our fox hazing techniques are designed to be humane and effective, offering you peace of mind that your fox problem is being resolved responsibly.

Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive fox hazing services and how we can help you regain control of your property. 860-510-6313

Fox removal CT
Fox trapped in CT Fox has Mange

Fox Trapping

In Connecticut, the process of trapping foxes is strictly regulated to ensure the ethical treatment and welfare of these animals. The state’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) requires a special permit to be obtained for fox trapping, which must be acquired by the property owner themselves. At RF Wildlife, our licensed technicians possess the necessary qualifications and expertise to carry out this task in compliance with Connecticut’s wildlife regulations.

The special permit issued by the state DEEP is a crucial step in allowing us to assist homeowners with fox trapping. Property owners must apply for and obtain this permit to ensure that the trapping process is conducted legally and ethically. Honestly, we have never had to trap a fox. Hazing and exclusion is the way to go when dealing with fox problems.

Once the required permit is in place, our licensed technicians will set up safe and humane traps on your property to capture foxes. We employ traps that are specifically designed to minimize stress and injury to the animals, ensuring their well-being throughout the entire process. Our technicians are trained in the proper handling and care of trapped foxes, making sure that the animals are treated with the utmost respect and compassion.

In addition to trapping, our team at RF Wildlife also offers comprehensive services such as fox hazing and fox exclusion to provide long-term solutions for your fox-related issues. By combining these methods, we can ensure that your property remains fox-free while also maintaining the delicate balance of Connecticut’s wildlife ecosystem.

If you are experiencing fox problems on your property and require professional assistance, contact us today. Our knowledgeable and dedicated team will help you navigate the permit process and provide the most humane and effective fox trapping solutions in Connecticut. 860-510-6313

Fox Exclusion

Fox Exclusion: A Long-Term Solution for Keeping Foxes at Bay

The most effective long-term solution for keeping foxes away from your property is fox exclusion. At RF Wildlife, our experienced team understands the importance of maintaining a secure and fox-free environment. Our fox exclusion services involve a comprehensive approach to ensure the prevention of future fox intrusions.

Property Inspection:

Our team will perform a thorough inspection of your property, assessing any potential entry points and identifying areas where foxes may be attracted. This includes examining fences, walls, and vegetation, as well as inspecting for signs of fox activity such as dens, tracks, or droppings.

Securing Entry Points:

Once the inspection is complete, our technicians will use professional-grade materials and techniques to secure any identified entry points. This may involve repairing or reinforcing fences, sealing gaps in walls or foundations, or installing protective barriers around vulnerable areas. Our goal is to create a robust barrier that prevents foxes from accessing your property.

Preventative Measures:

In addition to securing entry points, our team will advise you on preventative measures that can help keep foxes from returning. These may include proper waste disposal practices, limiting the availability of food sources, and maintaining your property to minimize potential hiding spots or denning areas for foxes.

Connecticut’s Relocation Regulations:

It is important to note that the relocation of fox is illegal in Connecticut. We adhere strictly to the state’s regulations and work closely with local wildlife authorities to ensure the most ethical treatment of these animals. Our fox exclusion services are designed to provide long-term solutions that prioritize both the safety of your property and the welfare of Connecticut’s wildlife.

At RF wildlife we are dedicated to providing effective and humane solutions for your fox-related issues. Our fox exclusion services offer the peace of mind that comes with knowing your property is protected from future fox intrusions while maintaining a healthy balance within the local ecosystem.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our comprehensive fox exclusion services in Connecticut.

At RF Wildlife, our mission is to provide you with the most reliable and humane fox removal and exclusion solutions in Connecticut. Our team is dedicated to protecting your property, family, and pets while also ensuring the well-being of Connecticut’s wildlife.

Contact us today, and let our expert team resolve your fox-related problems for good. 860-510-6313 Check out our other websites Raccoon Removal, Mole Exterminator, RF Wildlife.

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