Skunk Removal CT


Skunk removal ct skunk trapper ct dog sprayed by skunk
Skunk removal CT

Skunk Trapper in CT

Skunks (Mephitis mephitis) are nocturnal animals that are known for their distinctive black and white striped fur and their ability to spray a foul-smelling liquid as a defense mechanism. If you suspect that you have a skunk problem on your property in Connecticut, here are some signs to look out for:

  1. Skunk smell: The most obvious sign of a skunk problem is the strong, musky odor that they emit. Skunks are most likely to spray when they feel threatened or cornered, so if you notice a strong odor around your property, it may be a sign that there are skunks in the area.

  2. Digging and burrowing: Skunks are omnivores and will dig in lawns and gardens to search for food, such as insects, grubs, and small rodents. They may also dig burrows under porches, sheds, or other structures.

  3. Damage to property: Skunks can cause damage to property, such as tearing up gardens or damaging crops. They may also chew through wires and insulation in homes and other buildings.

  4. Tracks and droppings: Skunks leave distinctive tracks and droppings that can be used to identify their presence. Skunk tracks are small and usually appear in pairs, with the front and hind prints close together. Skunk droppings are similar in size and shape to those of cats and dogs, but may contain undigested insect parts and have a distinct odor.

If you suspect that you have a skunk problem on your property in Connecticut, it is important to contact a licensed wildlife control professional who can safely and humanely remove the animals. Skunks can carry diseases, such as rabies, and should only be handled by trained professionals.

Skunks are known for their chemical defensive weaponry the word Skunk is a general description of any foul odor. There is no confusing the pungent stink that comes from an actual skunk. When up close Skunk spray smells like a burning tire.  Anything the spray  comes in contact with will stink for days. This defensive smell is why everyone especially dog owners fear the skunk. Skunk removal is a common issue in Connecticut. February skunks are always our number one animal removal call. Mating season for skunks goes through the month of February.  Trapping Skunks in CT shoreline towns

As the warm weather of spring and summer arrives, many shoreline towns across Connecticut begin to experience an increase in skunk-related calls. Areas such as Niantic, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook, Westbrook, Clinton, Madison, Guilford, Branford, and East Haven have particularly high skunk populations compared to other parts of the state.

More skunk trapping On the CT Shoreline

As the spring turns to summer, we tend to receive more skunk-related calls in shoreline towns across Connecticut. Places like Niantic, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook (my hometown), Westbrook, Clinton, Madison, Guilford, Branford, and East Haven have a particularly healthy skunk population, which can even be elevated compared to other parts of the state.There are two primary factors that contribute to the abundance of skunks in these areas. First, the numerous cottages and summer homes in these towns provide ideal breeding locations and safe spaces for skunks to birth and raise their young. Second, the climate on the shore tends to be milder, with little to no snowfall that lasts for extended periods. During snowy conditions, skunks tend to hunker down and can even get trapped and die if the conditions are particularly harsh. By avoiding such weather conditions, skunks have an increased chance of survival and may live longer than their typical lifespan of around 3 years in the wild.

However, as much as these creatures are fascinating, it’s important to seek professional help when experiencing a skunk infestation. RF Wildlife is a reliable and professional skunk trapper service provider that can help safely and humanely remove skunks from your property and prevent future encounters.

With their expertise in skunk trapping and removal, they can ensure that the problem is taken care of quickly and efficiently. RF Wildlife is dedicated to providing clients with the highest quality of service, including trapping, removal, and relocation of skunks. They also offer exclusion services, which involves sealing entry points to prevent future infestations.

Skunk trapping and removal should always be left to the experts, as skunks can be dangerous when threatened or agitated. The professionals at RF Wildlife are experienced in safely and humanely handling skunks and have the necessary equipment to safely remove them without causing harm to you, your family, or the skunk.

It’s important to remember that skunks are wild animals and should not be handled by untrained individuals. Attempting to remove a skunk on your own can be dangerous and result in injuries. It’s always best to call in the experts to deal with a skunk infestation.

In conclusion, if you’re experiencing a skunk infestation in one of Connecticut’s shoreline towns, don’t hesitate to contact a professional skunk trapper like RF Wildlife for assistance. By doing so, you can protect your property and ensure the safety of yourself and your family. RF Wildlife offers reliable and professional skunk trapping and removal services, and their experts will ensure that your skunk problem is taken care of quickly, safely, and efficiently.

Did a skunk spray your Dog?

Has your dog fallen victim to a skunk’s spray? We recently received a call from a concerned dog owner whose pet was sprayed for the second time in a week. Skunks tend to spray each other during mating season, and male skunks will travel up to 5 miles outside their normal range in search of a mate. Skunks are generally not afraid of humans and their pungent scent is often attractive to dogs.

Skunks are highly adaptable and are commonly found living near residential areas, often digging burrows under home porches and sheds. Interestingly, skunk activity is usually more prevalent in larger and more populated towns compared to rural areas. For instance, while I’m more likely to perform skunk removal services in New London, I may encounter fewer skunks in Clinton.

Skunk dens can sometimes be taken over by other animals such as foxes or woodchucks, which can pose additional challenges for homeowners. That’s why it’s important to call a professional pest control service like RF Wildlife at the first sign of a skunk infestation.

If your dog has been sprayed by a skunk, don’t worry. There are several methods for removing skunk odor from your pet’s coat. Common remedies include using a mixture of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap or applying a commercial skunk odor remover. However, prevention is always better than cure, so be sure to keep an eye on your dog and take necessary precautions to avoid future skunk encounters.

In conclusion, if you’re dealing with a skunk infestation in your residential area or your dog has been sprayed by a skunk, contact RF Wildlife for professional skunk removal services. With their expertise and experience, they can help you get rid of skunks and prevent future encounters. Additionally, they can offer advice on how to remove skunk odor from your pets’ coat.


Skunk Control

Skunks are omnivorous and can wreak havoc on your lawn and garden, consuming anything from earthworms and grubs to your vegetable garden. They love birdseed and will dig up yellow jacket nests to eat the larva. Skunks sometimes take my mole traps and eat the mole. Skunks will leave cone shaped holes in your yard when looking for grubs and other bugs, this damage can be extensive at times.. They are solitary creatures when not breeding or taking care of young. Skunks will hide in burrows or under sheds during daylight hours the exception is the babies. Baby skunks will explore outside of their burrows at anytime. They tend to do this early summer, and I am called often in June and July to get rid of skunks that crashed a barbeque. Skunks do not hibernate fully during the winter, but can spend long periods of time in their dens during extreme winter weather. This can make it complicated to know how to get rid of a skunks in Connecticut.

 It is illegal to relocate skunks in CT?

skunks are one of Connecticut’s rabies vector species. It is illegal to relocate skunks in the state of Connecticut. Other diseases and parasites include leptospirosis, the intestinal roundworm baylisascaris columnaris, distemper, canine hepatitis, fleas, ticks, lice and mites, any of which can affect your pets. It is never a good idea to leave pet food outside that wild animals and domestic animals can share.

Don’t hesitate, call RF Wildlife’s skunk removal service in Connecticut. Skunk exclusions are the solution to keeping skunks from digging under your deck, shed, or your homes crawlspace.

skunk removal CT skunk trapper ct skunk sprayed dog
Skunk den under deck notice how little room they need.

Signs of a skunk problem

  • Skunk sprayed the dog
  • Something has dug under the shed or deck like pictured above.
  • baby skunks in backyard during the day.
  • seeing a skunk go under your deck or shed.
  • seeing cone shaped holes all over your yard.
  • House smells like skunk.

How to get skunk spray off dog.

Dog skunked? This is one of the most common reason people search for skunk removal service in CT. Hydrogen Peroxide, baking soda and dish soap mixed together works well to remove skunk spray from dogs. DO THIS OUTSIDE! This mixture will NOT destroy the skunk smell it will only lift the skunk spray off of the dogs fur. Petco also carries a product called Natures Miracle that my clients swear by. Many dogs get sprayed multiple times in a short timeframe. This is especially true with Golden Retrievers. Goldens are notorious for being sprayed by a skunk multiple days in a row.. This is the reason I am called for skunk trapping in many cases. A skunk removed from the area is one that will not spray your pet again.

Skunk removal CT Skunk control skunk trapper
Skunk control CT

What to use to remove skunk smell from inside the home.

This is much harder than getting the skunk spray off the dog. Most common scenario the Dog gets sprayed, the homeowner lets the dog inside not realizing what happened. The dog will u rub all over the furniture trying to get the spray off.  In addition Skunk spray is so potent that we can detect it to the few parts per million. Cleaning everything effected may help. First try vinegar water solution. Secondly try simmering a pot of apple cider vinegar with cinnamon sticks.  Thirdly you can rent Air scrubbers to remove skunk smell, but they use ozone and you must vacate the house to use them. Give us a call to trap your skunks 860-510-6313 We are Connecticut wild animal control experts.

Skunks can be a nuisance when they come too close to your home, especially because of the smell they emit when threatened or scared. Here are some tips to help keep skunks away from your property:

  1. Secure your garbage cans: Skunks are attracted to garbage, so make sure your garbage cans are secure with tight-fitting lids. If possible, keep your garbage cans in a closed garage or shed.

  2. Remove potential food sources: Skunks will also be attracted to other food sources, such as pet food left outside. Make sure to bring pet food inside at night and clean up any spilled birdseed or fruit that may attract skunks.

  3. Seal off entry points: Skunks may try to get into your home or garage to find shelter or food. Make sure to seal off any potential entry points, such as holes in your walls or foundation.

  4. Install motion-sensor lights: Skunks are nocturnal animals and will be deterred by bright lights. Install motion-sensor lights around the perimeter of your home to scare off skunks.

  5. Use repellents: There are natural and commercial skunk repellents available that may help keep skunks away. Some options include using ammonia-soaked rags, predator urine, or a mixture of garlic and chili peppers.

It’s important to remember that skunks are wild animals and can carry diseases, so it’s best to avoid contact with them. If you encounter a skunk on your property, it’s best to leave it alone and give it space to leave on its own. If you suspect a skunk may have made a den on your property, it’s best to call a professional wildlife removal service to safely and humanely remove the skunk.

Skunk Removal Service Connecticut

If you live in Connecticut and have noticed a skunk on your property, you may be wondering what to do next. Skunks are known for their strong and unpleasant odor, and they can be a nuisance for homeowners. That’s where a skunk removal service comes in.

Skunk removal services in Connecticut specialize in safely and effectively removing skunks from residential and commercial properties. These professionals have the knowledge, tools, and experience to handle skunks and other wildlife safely and humanely.

Skunk removal services in Connecticut typically use humane traps to capture skunks. Once the skunk is caught, it is illegal to relocate Skunks in CT. This is important because skunks can carry diseases and can be dangerous if they feel threatened.

Skunk removal services in Connecticut also provide prevention services to help keep skunks from returning to your property. This may include sealing up entry points, removing food sources, and installing barriers to prevent skunks from accessing your property.

When choosing a skunk removal service in Connecticut, it’s important to look for a company that is licensed and insured. This will ensure that the company has the necessary training and equipment to safely remove skunks from your property.

In addition, look for a skunk removal service that offers a guarantee on their services. This will give you peace of mind knowing that if the skunks return, the company will come back to resolve the issue.

Overall, if you have a skunk problem in Connecticut, a skunk removal service can help. These professionals will safely and humanely remove the skunks from your property and provide prevention services to help keep them from returning. Be sure to choose a reputable company that is licensed, insured for the best results. Give us a call 860-510-6313


Skunk Trapping Connecticut




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