Chipmunk Removal service in CT

chipmunk trapping

If you’re dealing with a chipmunk infestation in your Connecticut home or yard, you know how damaging it can be. Chipmunks are known for digging holes in lawns and gardens, chewing on plants and trees, and even burrowing under your home’s foundation. Fortunately, RF Wildlife Services is here to provide humane and effective chipmunk removal solutions.

Our experienced and licensed team of wildlife removal professionals understands the nuisance and damage that chipmunks can cause. That’s why we offer a variety of methods to help you get rid of chipmunks, including live trapping, exclusion, and air rifle shoots (town permitting).

Live trapping is a humane method we use to capture and relocate chipmunks far away from your property. Our team will strategically place traps around your property and check them regularly to ensure that any captured chipmunks are released safely and unharmed in a new location.

Exclusion is another effective method we use to prevent future chipmunk infestations. Our team will inspect your property and identify any entry points used by chipmunks. We’ll then seal off these entry points to prevent chipmunks from entering your home or yard again. We can also install protective barriers around vulnerable areas, such as gardens or flower beds, to keep chipmunks out.

In addition to live trapping and exclusion, we also use air rifle shoots to get rid of chipmunks. This method is only used in certain situations and is always conducted by our licensed and experienced professionals. Our team will assess your situation and determine if air rifle shoots are a necessary part of your customized removal plan.

At RF Wildlife Services, we understand the importance of providing humane and effective chipmunk removal services. We’re committed to helping you get rid of chipmunks in a safe and ethical way that protects both your property and the animals themselves. That’s why we work closely with our clients to develop customized removal plans that meet their specific needs and preferences.

If you’re experiencing a chipmunk infestation in Connecticut, don’t hesitate to reach out to RF Wildlife Services. Our team is here to help you get rid of chipmunks and prevent future infestations. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a chipmunk-free property.

Chipmunk Removal CT

At our RF Wildlife, we understand that every chipmunk infestation is unique, which is why we take a personalized approach to every job. We will work with you to develop a customized plan that meets your specific needs and budget.

The Eastern Chipmunk

The eastern chipmunk is a small, ground-dwelling rodent that is found throughout the eastern United States. These cute little critters can be a nuisance to homeowners, as they often invade yards and gardens and can cause significant damage. Understanding the life cycle of the eastern chipmunk is an important part of effective chipmunk trapping and extermination.

Breeding Season

The breeding season for eastern chipmunks typically occurs in the spring and summer months, with peak breeding activity occurring from March to May. During this time, male chipmunks will actively seek out female partners, and the females will give birth to litters of young.

Gestation and Birth

The gestation period for eastern chipmunks is approximately 30 days. After this time, the female will give birth to a litter of between two and six young, with the average litter size being four. The young are born blind, hairless, and helpless, and they will remain in the den for the first few weeks of their lives.

Development and Weaning

After a few weeks, the young will begin to grow hair and their eyes will open. They will also start to move around and explore their surroundings. At around 5-6 weeks of age, the young will be weaned off their mother’s milk and will begin to eat solid food. They will continue to live in the den with their mother for several more weeks, during which time she will teach them survival skills like foraging for food and avoiding predators.

Juvenile Stage

At around 8-9 weeks of age, the young chipmunks will become juveniles and will start to venture out of the den on their own. They will begin to explore their surroundings and establish their own territories. During this time, they may also start to cause damage to yards and gardens, as they are still learning what foods are safe to eat.

Maturity and Breeding

Eastern chipmunks reach sexual maturity at around 12-14 weeks of age, and they will start to breed themselves. Females will typically have one or two litters per year, with the second litter typically being born in late summer or early fall.


As the weather begins to cool in the fall, eastern chipmunks will start to prepare for hibernation. They will begin to store food in their dens and will spend more time underground. In colder areas, chipmunks may hibernate for up to six months during the winter.

Chipmunk Trapping and Extermination

Understanding the life cycle of the eastern chipmunk is an important part of effective chipmunk trapping and extermination. By knowing when the breeding season occurs and when the young are likely to be born and weaned, you can develop a targeted trapping strategy that will be more effective at removing these pests from your property.

Live trapping is the most humane and effective method for removing chipmunks from your property. Our team of experienced wildlife removal professionals will use live traps to capture the chipmunks and relocate them to a new location far away from your property. This method is safe for both the animals and your property, and it allows you to avoid using harmful chemicals or other extermination methods that can be harmful to the environment.

Exclusion techniques can also be used to prevent chipmunks from entering your property in the first place. This involves identifying any entry points used by the chipmunks and sealing them off to prevent future infestations. We can also install protective barriers to keep chipmunks out of your home, such as wire mesh or fencing.

In conclusion, understanding the life cycle of the eastern chipmunk is an important part of effective chipmunk trapping and extermination. By working with a team of experienced wildlife removal professionals, you can develop a targeted trapping

and exclusion plan that takes into account the behaviors and habits of the eastern chipmunk throughout its life cycle.

It’s important to note that chipmunks play an important role in the ecosystem as seed dispersers and food sources for predators. As such, it’s important to consider humane removal methods and to avoid using harmful pesticides or poisons that can harm other animals and the environment.

At our Connecticut-based wildlife control company, we specialize in humane and effective chipmunk removal services. Our team of licensed and experienced professionals use a variety of methods, including live trapping and exclusion, to safely and effectively remove chipmunks from your property.

If you’re experiencing a chipmunk infestation in your home or yard, don’t hesitate to contact us for expert assistance. We’re dedicated to providing safe and effective wildlife removal services to help you protect your property and restore peace of mind.

If you’re looking for fast, reliable chipmunk removal services in Connecticut, look no further than our professional team. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a chipmunk-free property.

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