Raccoon Removal Connecticut

Raccoon removal CT, raccoon eviction, raccoon trapping,

For Raccoon removal service call 860-510-6313

Raccoons are common wildlife in Connecticut and can be found in urban, suburban, and rural areas. While they may seem cute and harmless, raccoons can cause significant damage to homes and properties, carry diseases, and pose a risk to human health and safety.

If you have a raccoon problem on your property in Connecticut, it’s essential to address it promptly. Here are some tips for raccoon removal in CT:

Raccoon removed from Business in Branford CT
  1. Identify the problem The first step in raccoon removal is to identify the problem. Raccoons can cause damage to your property by tearing up shingles, ripping apart siding, and digging through garbage cans. If you see signs of raccoon activity, such as droppings or torn up garbage, you may have a raccoon problem.
  2. Call a professional Raccoon removal can be dangerous and complicated, and it’s often best to leave it to the professionals. In Connecticut, there are many licensed and experienced wildlife removal companies that specialize in raccoon removal.
  3. Trap and relocate One of the most common methods of raccoon removal is trapping and relocating the animals. Traps are baited with food and placed in areas where raccoons are known to frequent. Once the raccoon is trapped, it is taken to a remote location and released.
  4. Seal entry points To prevent future raccoon problems, it’s important to seal all entry points to your home or property. Raccoons can fit through small holes and gaps, so make sure to seal any openings in your roof, walls, or foundation.
  5. Use deterrents There are several deterrents that can be used to prevent raccoons from entering your property. Motion-activated lights and sprinklers can scare raccoons away, and there are also chemical repellents available that emit odors that raccoons find unpleasant.

In summary, if you have a raccoon problem on your property in Connecticut, it’s important to act quickly and contact a professional wildlife removal company. They can safely and humanely remove the animals and help you prevent future problems. Remember to seal entry points, use deterrents, and keep your property clean to avoid attracting raccoons.

Raccoon removed from home in Killingworth CT
Raccoons will grab anything that comes near as this Raccoon removal customer found out.

Raccoons are adorable animals, but they can cause a lot of damage when they enter your attic or chimney. These creatures are notorious for destroying insulation, chewing through wires, and leaving behind a mess of feces and urine. If you suspect that you have raccoons in your attic or chimney, it’s important to take action right away to prevent further damage.

Raccoon removal from attics and chimneys is a delicate process that should only be performed by professionals. Here are some steps you can take to get rid of these pesky critters safely and effectively.

  1. Identify the problem

The first step in raccoon removal is to identify the problem. Look for signs of raccoon activity, such as feces, chewed wires or insulation, and loud noises coming from your attic or chimney. You may also notice a foul odor or hear scratching sounds in your walls or ceilings. If you’re not sure whether you have raccoons or another type of animal in your attic or chimney, contact a wildlife removal expert for assistance.

  1. Seal off entry points

Before attempting to remove raccoons from your attic or chimney, it’s important to seal off all entry points to prevent them from returning. This may involve blocking off holes or gaps in your roof or chimney with wire mesh or other materials. Make sure to inspect your entire house thoroughly for any possible entry points.

  1. Use humane traps

Once you’ve sealed off all entry points, you can set up humane traps to catch the raccoons. These traps are designed to capture the animals without harming them, allowing you to safely relocate them to a more suitable location. It’s important to check the traps regularly and release any trapped raccoons as soon as possible to prevent them from becoming stressed or injured.

  1. Clean up the mess

After the raccoons have been removed, it’s important to clean up the mess they left behind. This may involve removing insulation that has been soiled with feces or urine, disinfecting the area, and repairing any damage that the animals caused. Make sure to wear protective gear, such as gloves and a mask, when cleaning up raccoon droppings to avoid exposure to harmful bacteria.

  1. Prevent future infestations

To prevent raccoons from returning to your attic or chimney, make sure to keep your property clean and free of food sources. Store trash in sealed containers, and avoid leaving pet food or birdseed outside. You may also want to consider installing motion-activated lights or sprinklers to deter raccoons and other wildlife from entering your property.

Female Raccoon and Four Kits Removed from a Connecticut Attic

In conclusion, raccoon removal from attics and chimneys requires patience, skill, and expertise. If you’re not comfortable handling the process on your own, contact a wildlife removal expert for assistance. By taking action quickly and following these steps, you can protect your home from further damage and keep your family safe and healthy.

Give us a call 860-510-6313 to talk about your raccoon removal options in CT.

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