Raccoons under shed or in crawlspace

If you have raccoons under your shed, it’s important to handle the situation carefully, as raccoons can be dangerous and carry diseases. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Determine if there are babies present: Raccoons may use your shed as a denning site to raise their young, so it’s important to determine if there are any babies present. If there are babies, it’s best to wait until they are old enough to go outside on their own before attempting to remove the mother and the babies.
  2. Make the area unattractive to raccoons: Remove any food sources around the shed that may be attracting the raccoons, such as garbage or pet food. Additionally, make sure the area around the shed is well-lit and free of debris, as raccoons prefer dark and cluttered areas for denning.
  3. Install a barrier: Use a barrier, such as hardware cloth, to prevent the raccoons from getting under the shed. Dig a trench around the perimeter of the shed and bury the hardware cloth at least 6 inches deep and extending at least 2 feet outward from the shed.
  4. Use humane eviction techniques: To remove the raccoons from under the shed, use humane eviction techniques such as placing a one-way exclusion device over the entry point. This will allow the raccoons to leave but prevent them from returning.
  5. Seal off entry points: Once the raccoons have left, seal off all potential entry points to prevent them from returning. Use hardware cloth or other sturdy materials to cover any holes or gaps around the shed.

It’s important to remember that raccoons can be dangerous and carry diseases, and parasites, it’s best to call a professional wildlife removal service.

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