The Branford Fox Den Eviction: Protecting Wildlife and Property with Care

Fox Removal CT

Welcome to another wildlife control story from RF Wildlife, your trusted source for humane wildlife control solutions. Today, we’re excited to share our recent experience with a fox eviction in Branford, Connecticut. This heartwarming tale illustrates the importance of approaching wildlife control with care and compassion, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of both humans and animals involved.

The Unexpected Tenant

My client, a homeowner in Branford, had noticed some unusual activity in their backyard over the past few weeks. At first, they dismissed it as the work of squirrels or raccoons. However, as the disturbances increased in frequency, they decided to call us to investigate.

Upon arrival at the property, I discovered that the backyard had become home to a family of red foxes. The foxes had taken refuge under the client’s pool house, creating a den for their young kits. While foxes are beautiful creatures, they can pose risks to human safety and property, making their presence in a residential area a cause for concern.

The Eviction Process

At RF Wildlife, we take a compassionate and ethical approach to wildlife control, ensuring that the animals we encounter are treated with care and respect. In the case of the Branford fox eviction, we employed a strategic combination of humane techniques to encourage the fox family to leave their den without causing harm to themselves or others.

Our first step was to employ hazing techniques, which involve using non-harmful deterrents to encourage the animals to vacate the area. We approached the main entry point of the den and used fox eviction scent, a natural glandular by-product of predators that is known to threaten young pups during denning season. We made loud noises and growled to create a sense of disturbance and encourage the adult foxes to leave. The foxes quickly exited through the back door and left the yard. We then blocked the back entry and applied the scent to ensure that the foxes did not return.

We monitor the den site closely to ensure that the foxes do not return. If they do, we would have employed our next technique, which is a one-way door installation that allows the animals to leave the den but not return. This technique is effective and ensures that the animals can continue to forage for food and care for their young without causing distress.

A Happy Ending

The Branford fox eviction was a shining example of the humane, effective wildlife control methods we pride ourselves on at RF Wildlife. The fox family was safely relocated to a more suitable environment, and the homeowner’s property was secured against future wildlife intrusions. As a result, both the foxes and the homeowner could continue their lives in harmony.

At RF Wildlife, we are dedicated to providing wildlife control solutions that prioritize animal welfare and client satisfaction. Our experienced team of professionals is equipped to handle a wide variety of wildlife issues, ensuring that humans and animals can coexist peacefully in our shared environment. If you are experiencing wildlife issues on your property, don’t hesitate to reach out to RF Wildlife for assistance.

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