Squirrel Extermination

attic squirrel baby

Discover Squirrel Extermination Solutions in Connecticut: Tackling Gray and Flying Squirrels

Connecticut is home to two prevalent squirrel species, the gray squirrel and the flying squirrel. Gray squirrels, found in various habitats across Connecticut, are daytime creatures that feed on plant materials such as nuts, acorns, seeds, bird eggs, and insects. Flying squirrels, smaller and nocturnal, glide through the air with a unique skin flap adaptation and feed on nuts, seeds, and insects in the state’s wooded areas.

Squirrels can be intriguing to watch, but they become a nuisance when they invade homes or buildings. Known for chewing through electrical wires, insulation, and causing fires, squirrels can create noise, odors, and extensive damage. If you’re dealing with a squirrel infestation, it’s vital to consult a licensed wildlife control expert for safe, humane squirrel extermination in Connecticut.

RF Wildlife offers efficient squirrel pest control services to tackle challenging squirrel removal. As squirrels can chew through almost anything, evidenced by the harm they inflict on gutters and other structures, trapping and removing problematic squirrels is a top priority. Never wait for a squirrel to leave your home before sealing the entry hole; female squirrels, in particular, may chew through your house trying to return. Reach out to us today for professional squirrel extermination in Connecticut and regain your peace of mind.

At RF Wildlife, we emphasize humane squirrel removal, employing safe and effective techniques to exterminate squirrels from your property.

When you contact us for squirrel removal services, we’ll start with a thorough inspection of your property to identify any entry points and determine the extent of the infestation. Once we’ve located the entry points, we’ll set up traps to catch the squirrels and remove them from your property. We’ll also seal up any entry points to prevent future infestations.

At RF Wildlife, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest level of service and ensuring their complete satisfaction. We know that dealing with a squirrel infestation can be stressful and overwhelming, which is why we’re here to help. Whether you have a minor squirrel problem or a severe infestation, we have the experience and expertise to handle the job.

In addition to our squirrel removal services, we also offer other wildlife control services, including bat removal, bird removal, and raccoon removal. We’re dedicated to providing our customers with safe, humane, and effective wildlife control services to keep their homes and businesses free from unwanted pests.

Don’t let squirrels take over your property. Contact us today for reliable and professional squirrel removal and pest control services.

get rid of squirrels
squirrel removal
Gutter and drip edge Chewed by squirrels.

Expert Squirrel Removal: Removing the Three Common Squirrel Species in Connecticut

Gray Squirrel removal

Gray squirrels are a familiar sight in Connecticut and are also known for causing extensive damage to homes. They are the largest squirrel species in the state and are also the most destructive chewers. Gray squirrels can create holes nearly the size of a baseball to gain entry to homes. They may also enlarge woodpecker holes or enter through soffits. Gray squirrels are most active during the early morning and evening towards dark, and the sound of them running in soffits can resemble a galloping horse. When frightened, their young may make a loud whistle or growling sound.

Unlike some other species of squirrels, Gray squirrels do not store food inside attics or walls. However, they can cause significant damage to insulation and wiring, posing a fire hazard. If you suspect a Gray squirrel infestation in your home, it’s important to call a professional squirrel exterminator and squirrel pest control service right away.

At RF Wildlife, we specialize in squirrel removal and pest control, including Gray squirrel removal. We understand the potential damage that these squirrels can cause and have the expertise and equipment necessary to safely and humanely remove them from your property. Our team of experts will start with a thorough inspection of your property to identify entry points and assess the extent of the infestation. We’ll then use effective trapping methods to remove the squirrels and seal up entry points to prevent future infestations.

Don’t let Gray squirrels damage your home or pose a safety hazard. Contact us today for reliable and professional squirrel removal and pest control services. We’ll take care of the problem for you and restore your peace of mind.

get rid of squirrels
squirrel removal CT
Baby Gray squirrel removed from a Branford attic

Red or Pine Squirrel Pest Control

Red squirrels are smaller and less common than Gray squirrels, but they have a feisty attitude that can make them a nuisance to homeowners. In fact, Red squirrels have been known to chase Gray squirrels into the road, resulting in unfortunate accidents. Despite their small size, Red squirrels are known for their bravery and willingness to defend their territory.

Red squirrels tend to enter homes through ground-level entry points and climb up the inside of corners on vinyl and aluminum siding. They often store food, such as pine cones and other nuts, in attics. Removing Red squirrels from your property can be a challenge, as these critters are selective about their food choices.

At RF Wildlife, we specialize in squirrel removal and squirrel pest control, including Red squirrel removal. Our team of experts has the experience and equipment necessary to safely and humanely remove Red squirrels from your property. We’ll start with a thorough inspection of your property to identify entry points and assess the extent of the infestation. Then, we’ll use our expertise to trap and remove the squirrels, and we’ll seal up entry points to prevent future infestations.

Don’t let Red squirrels take over your home or business. Contact us today for professional and effective squirrel removal and pest control services. We’ll take care of the problem for you and restore your peace of mind.

Flying Squirrel Extermination

Although they are not as commonly seen as Gray squirrels, Flying squirrels are a common pest problem in Connecticut. RF Wildlife is experienced in removing Flying squirrels from attics during the winter season. These squirrels are considered the perfect pest animal because of their unique characteristics. They are nocturnal and can glide impressive distances of up to 150 feet for every one-foot descent. Additionally, they are small, about the size of a chipmunk, and can easily squeeze through tiny cracks. Flying squirrels often gather in colonies of 10-40 squirrels in the winter, and unfortunately, they tend to store food in your home. In some cases, three feet of acorns have been found stored between the studs of walls.

Flying squirrels can be extremely bothersome to homeowners as they tend to be active one night and quiet the next. These squirrels can cause a homeowner significant stress and frustration. In the past, many homeowners were skeptical about the existence of Flying squirrels in Connecticut. However, the problem has become more common, and homeowners are now more likely to seek professional Flying squirrel removal services.

At RF Wildlife, we are well-equipped to handle Flying squirrel removal and provide effective squirrel pest control services. We have the expertise and equipment to remove these pests safely and efficiently from your property. Contact us today if you suspect a Flying squirrel infestation in your home or business, and we’ll take care of the problem for you.


Flying squirrel removal CT

How to tell if it is Squirrels you are hearing.

Bang on the area you are hearing the noise.

  • Did it or they run when banging on the wall they are likely squirrels.
  • If it freezes and either do not make any more noise or start back up in a few minutes Mice are to blame.
  • did banging have no effect? Do they seem to be moving in a direction slowly Bats are the most likely suspect.

We are squirrel removal experts, we can rid your home of squirrels quickly

Give RF Wildlife a call to rid your home of squirrels or other unwanted animal guests. We are located in Old Saybrook but have a large area of Connecticut we cover for squirrel removal. I can tell you the most likely suspects over the phone within a few questions.

The Importance of Squirrel Extermination: Ensuring a Healthy Home Environment by Removing Squirrels from Attics

Squirrel extermination plays a vital role in maintaining a safe and healthy home environment. When squirrels chew into attics or other areas of your home, they can cause extensive damage and pose significant health risks. In this article, we will explore the reasons why squirrel extermination is crucial and how removing squirrels from attics contributes to a healthier home.

Why Squirrel Extermination is Important

  1. Damage to home structures: Squirrels are notorious for chewing through a variety of materials, including wood, insulation, and electrical wiring. This destructive behavior can lead to costly repairs and even compromise the structural integrity of your home. Exterminating squirrels helps prevent further damage and protects your investment.
  2. Fire hazards: Squirrel’s tendency to chew through electrical wiring poses a significant fire risk. Exposed wires can spark and ignite nearby flammable materials, potentially leading to devastating house fires. Squirrel extermination is essential for safeguarding your home and family from this danger.
  3. Contamination and disease: Squirrels can carry various pathogens that can be transmitted to humans and pets, such as leptospirosis, salmonella, and Lyme disease. Their urine and feces can contaminate insulation, flooring, and other surfaces, increasing the risk of disease transmission. Squirrel extermination helps reduce the risk of exposure to these pathogens, promoting a healthier living environment.
  4. Disruption and noise: Squirrels can be a significant source of disturbance, as they are often active during the day and create loud noises while moving and gnawing on materials. Removing squirrels from your home helps restore peace and tranquility.

Why Removing Squirrels from Attics is Important

  1. Improved air quality: When squirrels inhabit your attic, they can leave behind urine, feces, and nesting materials. These contaminants can infiltrate your home’s air circulation system, compromising indoor air quality and aggravating allergies or asthma. Removing squirrels from your attic helps to eliminate these pollutants and maintain healthy air quality.
  2. Mold prevention: Squirrels can cause water leaks by gnawing through roof materials or creating entry points for rainwater. Moisture accumulation can lead to mold growth, which can have detrimental effects on your health, including respiratory issues and allergic reactions. Squirrel extermination and sealing entry points can help prevent mold growth and protect your health.
  3. Pest control: Squirrels can introduce other pests, such as fleas, ticks, and mites, into your home. These parasites can carry diseases and cause discomfort for you and your pets. Removing squirrels from your attic helps control the spread of these pests and their associated health risks.

Squirrel Pest Control

Squirrel extermination is essential for maintaining a healthy and safe home environment. By removing squirrels from your attic, you can prevent structural damage, reduce fire hazards, minimize exposure to contaminants and diseases, and improve overall indoor air quality. To ensure effective and humane squirrel removal, it’s crucial to consult with a licensed wildlife control expert who specializes in squirrel extermination services. Give us a call 860-510-6313

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